Imagen de Pilgrimjim

Ourense option

Is it worth considering detouring to Ourense from Chantada by bus, and continuing on the Sanabres, rejoining the Invierno at Lalin?  I'm wondering if Ourense should be considered on my pilgrimage but leaning toward starting in Ponferrada on the Invierno. 

Imagen de carapau


Imagen de sag

I think the answer above is rigth...

Paul Palacios
Imagen de Paul Palacios

Yes, the answer is yes. You can go along the Camino Sanabrés, and when you get to Botos (after Castro Dozón), there is a path that links Estación de Lalín with Lalín. It's approximately 5k. From Lalin you walk directly to A Laxe and you are on the Camino de Invierno, which is the same in its final stages as the Camino Sanabrés. Buen Camino!