Lun, 14/06/2021 - 11:30
Gîtes d’étape, Cammino de la Puy
Sorry I don't speek much french.
Next week, starting around the 25 th of June, I would like to start in Figeac to walk to St. Jean pied de Port.
is it possible regarding the situation of the pandemic.
The gites d'etape are open for pilgrims?
What are the general restrictions.
Thank you very much for every information
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Hi Barbara 2104.
I have just returned from walking the part of the Chemin / Camino del Puy between Le Puy-en-Velay and Moissac. It is perfectly achievable at any point and time and without mobility restrictions.
Almost all the gîtes are open but, for the most part, with a capacity of 50%. Therefore, it is better to book in advance since there are quite a lot of people on the Camino. You hardly see foreigners. With me I have counted only five non-French pilgrims in almost twenty days of march.
The use of the mask and the safety distance is mandatory on the streets of the towns and in closed spaces, but not inside the gîtes where group breakfasts and dinners take place as usual.
Prepare to endure the heat and walk on asphalt.
Buen Camino et Ultreia !
From today, the 17th, the use of a mask on the streets of cities and towns is no longer mandatory in France.
El uso de la mascarilla en exteriores en Francia no es obligatorio desde el pasado dia 17 pero hay excepciones y,no pocas : Cuando se està en una cola,en los mercados y mercadillos,tanto al interior como al aire libre,a la entrada o salida de escuelas,en actos culturales,en los andenes de estaciones de tren,aeropuertos y en los transportes en comùn,personas que participen en manifestaciones,festivales o espectàculos en la via pùblica.También,las autoridades locales podràn obligar a llevar la mascarillla en calles peatonales o comerciales en los horarios de màxima afluencia.
Port du masque : évolution des règles au 17 juin |
Merci, beaucoup.
Je suis arrivée à Figeac et demain je commence le chemin