Lun, 13/11/2023 - 11:15
Santiago to Lisbon route.
Hi. I would like to walk from Santiago to Lisbon in the months of May and June. Do many pilgrims walk this way? Would I be able to obtain a Pilgrims Passport from the office in Santiago and are there plenty of hostels on the route? Many thanks.
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Hi why are you doing it backwards? I plan to start in Lisbon?
Hello. I presume you will be able to get de Pilgrims Passport at the Pilgrims office in Santiago de Comportela. On the other hand, I think you can
get enough hostels fom Santiago to Oporto, at least.
Si lees esta guía (Gronze) tendrá información sobre todos los albergues del Camino.
La credencial para hacer el Camino (hablas de hacerlo al revés: de Santiago a Lisboa), puedes obtenerla en Santiago. Pregunta en la Oficina del Peregrino. (Ojo, hacer el Camino al revés es difícil. Menos mal que te ayudará bastante la señalización --flechas azules-- a Fátima).
Bom Caminho!